“Worry about nothing.”
“Pray about everything.”
One of my a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e. favorite scriptures. Easiest to recite over-and-over again in my mind. My go-to words of choice in the midst of any troubling thoughts. Experiences. Situations. Still, in being so perfect and simple, it continuously remains the m.o.s.t. difficult for me to live out.
How do you exactly, “worry about nothing”, especially for someone who is so in-tune with worry and anxiety? I am not completely sure that it is possible, sweet friends. Worrying is part of our nature. The extent of that distressing, I suppose, is something over which we do have some grasp of control. But it requires effort. Practice. And most importantly, faith.

And yet that, exactly that, is where I find myself failing. Miserably. Falling flat on my face. Losing my grasp on that control that I just love to have in my grip. The predictability. The safety. Working overtime. All while blindly losing sight of my steadfast faith.
The one thing, above all else, that I am learning? Daily? Life is going to happen. Life is s.u.p.p.o.s.e.d. to happen. And throughout our existence, there will be highs. Shooting-from-the-mountain-tops-while-reaching-for-the-double-rainbow highs. And we all know, beautiful souls, there will also be lows. Heart-stuck-in-our-throats-while-drowning-in-our-tears kind of lows. Yet, most of the time, we cruise through life on “flat land”. Somewhere in between. And to each-and-every experience, we respond.
Try as I might, I can’t predetermine my every waking move, or the next potential step of anyone else whom I cherish and love. I can’t predict an experience I may encounter. And I can’t spend my e.v.e.r.y. w.a.k.i.n.g. m.o.m.e.n.t. wondering who or what is going to cross my path next, and how I can only allow the “good” to accompany me on my journey. Not only is it utterly exhausting, precious ones, it is also in no way what God has intended for our lives. Living in fear means losing out. Living in fear means living without enough room for faith. Living in fear means trying to walk this passage alone. And I have no intentions of walking alone.
“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” ~Isaiah 41:13

Life is such an unpredictable, unmeasurable, incomparable (and, at times, just-plain-messy) blessing. Tossing encounters our way in every breathing moment. Every day. Every night. And along with that incredible experience comes hundreds-upon-thousands of occurrences that are out of our control. Some amazing. Some heart-wrenching. Most, somewhere tucked in between.
But Greater than anything…
Greater than heartache…devastation…sadness…celebration…and the unknown…comes the Assurance, the Knowing, the Ultimate Comfort. In His Promise that He will n.e.v.e.r. leave our side. And that, as always, His plan for each of us is much more spectacular than anything we could imagine for ourselves.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (~Philippians 4:6-7)
And so, sweet souls, that. right. there. That knowing. That trusting. That incredible support. T.h.a.t. is what dissolves my worry. Even if that means stepping out of my comfort zone. Walking blindly through troubled waters. Or pouring out my heart to encourage others. The ability to utter those a.s.t.o.n.i.s.h.i.n.g. words. Anytime. Anywhere. Aloud to be heard. Or whispered deep in my soul.

That is my resolve. My piece of mind.
That is what quiets my anxious heart.