My Dearest Daughter,
What a magnificent work of art you are--
nothing short of one of God's greatest
masterpieces of all. With a mighty and
incredible destiny, He created you--
setting you apart from all others--
to fulfill a purpose that only you can.
Fearfully and wonderfully made,
there is no one else like you on this earth.
Hand-sewn, one-of-a-kind, amazingly
beautiful you. Never has He set His eyes
on a more irreplaceable creation, and never
for once, has He taken His eyes from you.
My Sweetest One,
Never forget to keep God first,
and everything else will fall into place,
even when it feels as though life is falling apart.
Always remember to be a beautiful
and bright light, shining His goodness
amidst our tainted and lonesome world.
Keep loving others--not with a simple
and ordinary love--but with the same
selfless love of your Savior, Jesus Christ.
Forever be kind and compassionate--
for these traits will overcome the enemy's
most powerful weapons of jealousy and
comparison--both the sneakiest of thieves.
Sing God's praises each day with a fierce
joy and gratitude that cannot be taken away by Satan.
Always be honest and forgiving, and don’t let a day pass by that doesn’t find you living humbly—swallowing your pride—to stand with integrity in His name.
And never, ever forget, to make God the absolute cry of your that through you, beautiful girl, those around you may forever see the light of Jesus in your heart.
