The gift of the wild child.
Not everyone receives the gift of the wild child, but when you do, you'll know--for she is nothing less than an irreplaceable treasure to behold.
Created never to conform to the standards of this world—but rather, a spirit—wild and free—fearfully and wonderfully made—her Heavenly Father's smile lit up just a little brighter when He completed her.
A delicate gift, unlike anything in this world.
Because everything that makes her wild,
is nothing less than an unexpected treasure
to witness with complete wonderment.
A fiercely bold blend of fire and ice...
...perseverance and grace...
...kindness and sass...
...intelligence and humility... unmistakable trailblazer,
leading with her soulful light.
She's been called just about every name,
except what she truly is...
...a handful.
...too much to handle.
...a force to be reckoned with.
But, only you and her Maker
truly know her by her true name…
…a gift.
The gift of the wild child.
She is a gift who will take
her entire lifetime to open.
But, her unraveling?
Is most certainly worth the wait.
For what the rest of the world cannot
see is exactly what makes her a secret
blessing to unfold--
—as only you and her Maker hold near
to your hearts the bountiful illumination
inside of her beautiful, fiery soul.
Not everyone receives the gift of the wild child, but when you'll know.
For, everything that makes her wild, is exactly
everything what makes her such an unexpected blessing to behold.
And when someone calls her something
other than the treasure she truly is...'ll take a deep breath and toss a little
smile up to your Heavenly Father Above...
...for only you and her Maker truly know her by name...
A gift.
The undoubtedly magnificent...
...fearfully and wonderfully made... of the wild child.
