Good morning, sweet friends! Today, I am linking up with one of my good blogger friends, Anne, from Love the Here Now, to share some of my most favorite (and awesome) things for the month of March. Ten, to be exact! I have adored writing these posts. Just the perfect reminder of the beauty and magnificence that fills our day-to-day lives. To highlight some of the best things in my life at this moment (or any moment, truly) is such a great practice.
In no particular order, here are March’s “Ten Most Awesome Things”…
1. Spring Break. Need I say more? I am c.r.a.v.i.n.g. this time with my family. My house is calling for my attention. Not having to set an alarm. C.a.n.n.o.t. w.a.i.t.
2. First-of-March snow fun. Okay. I get it. Enough of winter already. But, seriously. If it’s going to stick around, why not have some fun?!

3. Hot tea. Dark chocolate. A good book. C.a.n.n.o.t. get enough. Enough said.
4. Fresh fruit mid-winter. I love fresh-from-the-garden summer veggies. But to have some of those treats in the midst of those most frigid of days is perfect.

5. Having such an incredible support system around us at all times. So many people willing to help. And step in. Offer words of comfort. Wisdom. It always means the world.
6. Winter sunrise. Winter sunset. Last week, I was up early for a meeting, and caught the sunrise just as it was coming up over the horizon. Gorgeous.

7. Meeting my beautiful niece. Getting to hang out with my silly little nephew. And of course, very happy to get some time with my little sister!
8. Revelations. Realizations. About yourself. That only make you stronger. And faith. That God will never let go of our hands. Ever. And that He will lead us even more lovingly when we put our full trust in Him to follow wherever He takes us on our journey.

9. Monkey’s upcoming fourth birthday. Oh I love this child. She made her way into our family two weeks early. Ready to take on the world. One bound at a time. Her gorgeous brown eyes greeting me every morning. Her feisty spirit. Her perseverance. Her sweet, loveable, empathetic spirit. In total adoration. <3
10. My new planner!!! I have been waaaaiting for this. My inner control-freak is beyond excited. Can you tell?! 😉

What about you? If you have to list the first ten incredible things that come to mind right now, what would they be? I’d love to hear more about them! xoxo