When the day is done, and she has done her best, after she lays her head down, for what she knows will be only a brief rest; she rises.
As the cries pour out from down the shadowed hallway, and straight into his mama's arms, his tears melt away; she rises.
When the rhythm of the morning falls into a hectic rush; tying shoes, perfect pigtails, and breakfast on-the-go, with a "hurry and hush"; she rises.
Out the door, into the pouring rain, rain boots, soggy books... absorbing every complaint; she rises.
As the laundry and bills continue to pile, and she steals the only moment to herself for what she knows will be quite a long while; she rises.
While she scrolls through the joyous news feeds of family and friends, and her inadequacies cause her weary heart to crack and bend; she rises.
When the evening's festivities tug and pull at her heels, and she does everything in her power to hide her exhaustion and tears; she rises.
And once she realizes it is not from within herself that she finds her strength, for she has only the ability to carry herself a limited length; with a heart full of praise, she drops to her knees, for a mama now understands Who answered her endless, exhausted pleas; she rises.

Because as a mama truly realizes the importance of slowing down and looking up, she finally realizes Who exactly is refilling her cup; and once again, she rises.