I have to say, sweet friends, making it a habit to practice daily, purposeful gratitude of the beauty and joy that surrounds life right now has been such an unforeseen blessing. An incredible change in perspective. Attitude. Life in general. Taking note of those sweet, “small” moments in our existence that add up to bring the most joy. And believe me, they add up quickly!
Today, I am so very happy to share our “Most Meaningful Moments” from the month of February:
February 1st: The girls getting themselves ready at bedtime…such little ladies!
February 2nd: The girls singing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” in the bathtub this evening…ALL giggles!
February 3rd: Food pantry visit with Mss O., and WOW did she find some passion here!
February 4th: The girls being able to spend time with their amazing grandma on her birthday
February 5th: Thursday-night dance party in Baby Nugget’s room

February 6th: Monkey’s picture; “I made this for you, Mommy!”
February 7th: Watching the girls play so. well. together.; hours-upon-hours of princesses and dollhouses. Avoiding a mindless splurge with some Christmas gift cards…thank goodness!
February 8th: Receiving a 6:00-A.M. text announcing the arrival of my new niece; two-hours outside on a “warm” winter afternoon with the girls
February 9th: Early-morning valentine-making with my sweet girls…pink, hearts, glitter…sold
February 10th: Attending Monkey’s preschool conference and being caught up on how she’s doing at school, since three-year-olds don’t always give the best information; Baby Nugget bath-time bear-hugs for her sisters; Miss O reading to us at nighttime

February 11th: Baby Nugget’s hysterical laughing at us throwing a plastic grocery bag in the air, and watching it float around; playing with our little (extra-large) man…”Bubba” (dog)
February 12th: Listening to Baby Nugget sing “Peppa Pig” and “Let it Go”…oh, this sweetie and her love of music/dance!
February 13th: Monkey laughing so hard at Grandpa that she had a little accident…you will know why this is so such a significant and special memory to share by reading here
February 14th: Seeing the girls’ reactions to getting their first flowers from “Daddy”
February 15th: Baby Nugget napping on my chest, even if it was due to a 103+-degree fever
February 16th: Getting an extra day with my family…getting Baby Nugget in to see our amazing pediatrician (ear infection), on some medication and perking up before her big day

February17th: Baby Nugget’s birthday…every moment celebrating her! Watching her stick her hand into her birthday cake
February 18th: Coming back from my early-morning work meeting to see my three sweeties waiting for me at the top of the stairs
February 19th: Baby Nugget movin’-and-groovin’ in her new dancing shoes (Valentine’s Day slippers) while pretending to sing at the top of her lungs
February 20th: Everything about my interactions with Monkey this day. She had a pretty good ear infection too (toddler colds…sigh). You could tell she wasn’t feeling well. She was. so. good. An older lady at the doctor’s office even commented, “Well, it’s like looking in the mirror with her, huh?” (She hasn’t met Miss O yet ;))
February 21st: Completing cleaning and organizing the playroom with the wonderful help of Miss Observant!

February 22nd: The girls karaokeing in the dark with Baby Nugget’s new radio and microphone; finding their shadows on the walls! Quiet-time with Miss O as her sisters fell asleep for an afternoon nap (Monkey on the couch)…so sweet! Loved watching her get so into viewing the Daytona 500 with Daddy…we aren’t huge Nascar fans, but she loved seeing the cars “zoom” around!
February 23rd: Meeting my sweet, new niece! Baby Nugget playing “doctor” so intently at Grandma and Grandpa’s house
February 24th: Finding a note from Miss O’s teacher in her book bag, praising her for knowing her letters and sounds so well! Made my day!
February 25th: Baby Nugget’s well-baby visit/check-up at the doctor…thriving and such a turkey! Monkey’s ring-my-neck hug that evening; Miss Observant’s beautiful Cinderella drawing; receiving a very sweet email from my dad, praising me for my most recent blog post

February 26th: Morning time alone with Baby Nugget
February 27th: Morning cuddles with beautiful Monkey and her incredible heart-melting brown eyes. Loved starting my morning with such a spirited presence next to me!
February 28th: Seeing some wonderful news show up in my Facebook feed of a pregnancy of a childhood friend and her husband, after a very long struggle with infertility. Although I knew early-on of the pregnancy, the humble way in which she shared, offering others struggling with such a sweet message of hope, made my day. We have been through a struggle, not as lengthy as others we know, but enough to make us realize the miracle and beauty behind creating life.

My hope in starting this monthly time of gratitude is to encourage others to do the same. In fact, I am beyond excited to share that I will be hosting my first official blogging link-up on Thursday, April 2nd: “Meaningful Moments: March”. I would be honored to have each-and-every-one of you join me in celebrating life’s “small” blessings. Even if you do not have an official blog, you can still leave a comment about your special March moments! I hope this month finds your heart filled-to-the-from with tiny (and grand) celebrations <3