Oh friends, I have to admit, even before starting this post, that I feel like an utter disappointment with December’s goals. Life hit a few major speed bumps, and priorities were shifted in many ways. But that’s the incredible power of setting personal goals. They belong to you. So, if you miss meeting them by the deadline you had originally set for yourself, they are more than forgiving; providing you all the time you need to try again. And that’s just what I intend to do. Try once more. Rally a do-over. A redo. A make-up session. Not only for January, but also for the entire New Year to come. (Please forgive me for my lack of reviewing my December goals!)

I have found myself falling in love with setting goals. This has come about more than ever through blogging. Writing it all out, and holding myself accountable. When it stares you in the face on a daily basis, things become a little more real. And that’s the “real” that I need more than ever in my life right now. Because big changes are set to come our way.
But, baby steps right?! And for me, the smaller and more intentional, the better.
January’s Goals…
1. Buy a planner, and u.s.e. it. In college, I had a planner each year. It was filled with assignments, exams, events, sporting practices, etc. It was color-coded. With a variety of highlighters. It was my life. I just don’t dig having my world on my phone. I like to write things out. On pen and paper. And keep it in one place. So I don’t have to worry about losing it. I can’t wait to find the perfect one, and maybe purchase a little extra to share with one beautiful friend!

2. Become more flexible in all areas of my life. This is one of the most necessary qualities of an elementary teacher. But in my own personal life, if you have been following along for a while now, you know what a love I have for change. (Insert sarcasm.) Oh what a powerful lesson I am already learning with this. I just need to remember, at all times, that plans can change on the spur-of-the-moment, and a back-up plan may need to go into place. Even if it’s not my prearranged design. Because, as I have realized over-and-over again, that there is only One person who has our total and complete best-interests in mind:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Accompany this incredible message with the unbelievable support system surrounding our family, and that is all we could ever need.
3. Read a book; an entire book! I have two on the way. (Back-ordered; argh.) I am prepared to start with Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. One of my closest, dearest and longest friends recommended this one, based on my recent post, Entrapped. And just knowing me like a sister! 😉

4. Walk away from, or ignore (defer, if needed) any situations that involve gossip about others, no matter the person. It. is. so. easy. to get pulled into a trap of talking about someone else (and their personal lives, faults, etc.), especially within a crowd. I am guilty. And it never feels good when the conversation ends. Because I would never want others to sit around and discuss me and my own life. So, I hope to really carry this goal through, from December (when I started it) and then beyond. I definitely know and realize there is a need to vent at times, and done in a productive and non-demeaning way, it takes on different mean. But, this goal is a very important one to me, as a Christian, and I am striving to make it intentional.
5. Write down one happy moment from each day. If you read Tuesday’s post, you know that January is not my favorite month. It’s easy to get on a roll of taking strong note when things aren’t unfolding as planned. Oh, but how much brighter life can be when opening our eyes to the sweet beauty present around us each-and-every day. I know there will be days when completing this seemingly simple task will be harder than others, but I think it will offer great change in perspective on those daunting, gloomy, frigid winter days.

So what do you think, sweet friends? Life is busy. As always. We already know that. So, I am hoping, wishing and praying that I can pull these off. What about you? Do you have any goals? Have you thought about setting/creating them? This has been perfect for me. Setting aspirations and working to achieve them. Just perfect. I am excited to see where these lead me this month and can’t wait to share how everything played out at the end of this month!