Sunday mornings are for meeting Jesus.
That's what so many of us learn.
What so many of us try to embrace.
Sunday mornings are for church.
That's what so many of us are taught.
What so many of us strive for, each and every week.
But sometimes, we don't meet Jesus on Sunday morning in church. We don't meet Him in a Bible Study Group. Sometimes, we don't meet Him with hundreds-upon-thousands of others.
Sometimes, we are so broken, we don't feel worthy of His presence.
So, instead, we search for Him in the
puddle of tears, on our bathroom floor.
And shattered.
Sometimes, we are so completely lost, we simply cannot find our path again.
Our compass.
Our direction.
Dusty Bible hidden out of sight.
Along with our guilt, fears and missteps.
Sometimes, our beliefs are teetering.
We wonder, why in the world even try?
We question if He even cares.
If He can even hear us.
If He even knows.
How He could let this happen.
Sometimes, we are plain and simply exhausted.
Craving the time at home.
Yearning for rest with our own families.
Wishing for missed time with loved ones.
Nothing more than weary for more strength once again.
If I have learned anything over this past year, blanketed with a cloud of uncertainty we’ve never before experienced, it's this:
Jesus meets you where you want to meet Him.
Where you need to meet Him.
Where you think He cannot find you,
for anything on this Earth.
He will come to you 100% of the time.
No questions asked.
With grace-filled arms.
And unconditional forgiveness.
He finds you in your glory.
And He rediscovers you in your shame.
He seeks you through your unbearable pain.
And wipes your tear-stained cheeks.
He shields your fear of others' judgment.
And having all eyes on you.
He pursues you amidst your U-turn on the way to church. As thoughts of shame flood your soul, having missed out for far too many years.
All while whispering to your
heart that He knows.
He understands.
And He will never for once leave you.
There is not a moment when He doesn't meet you. And, never for once, does He require a church pew, for that meeting to take place.
Because His absolutely favorite place to find you, is in the midst of life's greatest messes.
No questions asked.
Always and forever.
For an eternity to come.
