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God Meets Mothers

Writer's picture: easpennereaspenner

Have you ever stopped to think about just how often God meets mothers?

For, mothers?

Their to-do lists never end. Their minds never stop whirling. Their hearts never stop nurturing. Their hands never stop cleaning and caring. Their legs never stop lifting and carrying.

It's almost impossible for mothers to find an escape.

And, God? Oh, He knows that.

For, when He designed each mother, He handcrafted her with an innate ability to balance. To carry, lift, set down and pick up. To nurse, teach, chauffeur, repair, clean, and mend.

When God created each mother, He crafted her to be immersed. Completely inundated in the most precious job of all: caring for His children; His future generations of kingdom-builders.

And raising kingdom-builders? It is not for the faint of heart.

God finds each and every mother.

He doesn’t call her away from her kingdom work; He joins her.

He doesn’t pull her away from her Godly duties; He meets her in the thick of her daily tasks.

God meets each mama on her hands and knees, wiping up crumbs, milk spills, leftover laundry and craft messes.

He meets her at the kitchen sink, arms on her back, as she sways side-to side-to, pushing through aches and pains, all while avoiding her reflection in the sink dishwater.

He meets her hiding in her closet, catching her every tear to later toss into the sunlight, like confetti--creating her own personal rainbow of His covenant--that He will never leave or forsake her.

He meets her bedside, reading nighttime stories, rubbing tired heads and mending broken hearts.

He meets her in the grocery store aisles... ...and school pick-up lines... visit rooms... ...and practice courts and fields... ...scrubbing toilets... ...and untangling knots... ...finding lost treasures... ...and mending broken hearts... ...bent over the kitchen sink... ...and picking up, as one day meets the next... ...chauffeuring growing beings... ...and breaking to pieces in worry and uncertainty... ....packing a "baby" to move hours away... ...and welcoming new life into her arms, as a grandma...

He meets each mother with unexpected strength.... ...and undeserved grace; ...floods of ceaseless mercy; ...and an abundance of unconditional love.

God doesn’t call a mama away from her kingdom work; rather, He joins her-- ...breath-by-breath... ...prayer-by-prayer... ...heartbeat-by-heartbeat... --raising the next generation of kingdom-builders, right alongside her strong, weary body.

God meets each mama in her cries of sorrow; in her jubilant laughter; and in the quiet prayers of her overwhelmed heart.

Have you ever stopped to think about just how often God meets mothers?

Because, God? God seeks mothers. He doesn't call them away. He comes to them. He treasures them.

And above all else, He knows. Just what a beautifully busy being a mother truly is.


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