Sometimes, it can feel almost impossible.
To find it. To seek it. To discern it. To listen to it.
God's sweet, encouraging voice...
Amidst the panic. The fear. The shame. The what-ifs. The racing heart. The uncertainties. The shortness of breath.
Sometimes, it can feel almost impossible.
To ignore. To discern. To close your ears. To run away from the whirling thoughts. To shut out the lies and the distractions.
The enemy's ceaseless lies.
Because, an anxiety "attack"? So very often becomes the ultimate tug-o-war. Satan's lies versus God's truth.
As the enemy intentionally slithers around your entire being, stationing his stream of deceptions right at ear-level.
...rushing you... ...discouraging you... ...confusing you... ...frightening you... ...worrying you... ...condemning you... ...shaming you...
...all while causing you to obsess, lose your footing, question all you know of your faith and trust, and shift your heart from its stronghold, rooted in God's goodness, mercy, love and joy.
Satan? He's good. Oh-so-good.
Because he's spent his entire existence studying how to extinguish the light of God in His children.
He knows your every weakness. Your every vulnerable crack and crevice. He knows your triggers and your greatest fears.
And he seeks them with a vengeance and only one end-result in mind: to destroy your relationship with God. . But, our Father? Even though it might take a while to distinguish, you can be rest assured that our Heavenly Father's voice NEVER lies. Although the enemy's lies tend to be bolder...louder...more intense...and sometimes, more believable...
...our Father is Father Who only speaks comfort and truth.
...slowing your thoughts... ...encouraging your heart... ...settling your weary mind... ...calming your every fear... ...comforting your uncertainties... ...praising your bravery... ...exalting you in His name...
The voice of God? Is a voice that shows us a way out of our fears and gives us the strength to reach for His unconditional hand, even in the deepest, darkest valleys. For, it is not how the voice sounds, but rather what the voice says that lets you know who is speaking. Recognizing the voice of God takes practice, but identifying the comfort of our Heavenly Father is very simple....
The next time you find yourself caught up in a closed-circuit of Satan's billowing lies, ask yourself, “Is this voice keeping me trapped and away from my Heavenly Father Above, or is this voice moving me upward toward God and His unconditional love, calm and reassurance?”
There is simply no mistaking God's love.
Dear Heavenly Father,
When my heart races and my mind whirls, stuck in the enemy's relentless web of deceitful and calculated lies, please remind me to seek Your voice. Please call out to me, and draw me nearer to You, knowing that if the voice I am hearing and following does not bring You to mind first, it is not the voice that will forever keep me safe.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" Isaiah 41:10