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Dream Come True…

Writer's picture: easpennereaspenner

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Today, my heart was filled to the brim. Actually, to be honest, sweet friends, it was overflowing. With pride. Love. Adoration. Of a five-year-old. Who was ready to take on the world. And use her heart to serve others. Without one bit of complaint. With only eagerness and excitement. If only so many others could take on her ambition, for even just a moment.

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You may remember a post I shared a little over two months ago: Tiny Dreamer. The story behind our oldest daughter’s wish to create a library for our local homeless shelter. And despite contacting the shelter with no response, today I saw her dream “come true”. In a different sort of way. And “proud mama” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

We are extremely lucky. Our girls are able to go to a remarkable preschool. Recommended by a few close friends. And we have been so impressed. This year, like last, Miss O has been blessed with an incredible teacher. Who, just by a minute interaction, demonstrates her unconditional love for her students without fail. This sweet educator is one special lady.

So, when we found out that Miss O’s class would be taking a field trip to a local food pantry, I definitely made plans to attend with her. But, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Any kind of introduction to service at such a young age is bound to be an amazing experience. And I soon discovered that “amazing” was to become an understatement.

There were three basic parts to the trip: bring in and unload donated items (from the kids), stack items on the shelves and then fill assorted bags accordingly. Additionally, there were three different sets of bags to be filled. These bags would then be given to local families in need. And before I knew it, Miss O and I were off in the back aisle of this living-room sized pantry, stacking and packing. And she blew me away…

She. was. so. excited. to. help. She knew what was going on. E.x.a.c.t.l.y. where the bags were going. why we were doing it. And the heart-string-tugger of the day: “I love helping you do this, Mommy.” (Sigh.)

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My parents had us involved in service to others at a very young age…serving Thanksgiving meals at a downtown homeless shelter, painting our church’s rectory, Girl Scouts, making sandwiches for the homeless…you name it, we experienced it. And, in doing so, they set my two sisters and I up for a life of service and giving to others. The best type of life there can be. In fact, we have each chosen to fulfill a career-path within a service industry: veterinarian assistant, teacher and social worker. All because they took the time to involve us in seeing the needs of others in our need-filled world at such a young age.

Our goal yesterday was to pack five bags. I am pretty sure she and I made it to eight. And you know what this bubbly little five-year-old chose to do when she was finished with that job?! Ask her teacher and the coordinator what to do next. And she followed their directions, exactly. Straightening shelves. Pulling off empty boxes and giving them to adults to be broken down. And before all was done-and-said, as we were preparing to load up to return to school…”I really liked doing this, Mommy. Can we please come back?”

Oh, this child. As a parent, there are times when you look at your son or daughter and totally see yourself in his/her reflection, just by mere looks. But this little girl is me through-and-through, and my adoration for her has just multiplied more than words can describe.

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Yes, we have yet to fulfill her sweet wishes of her original “dream”, but I can already see the light bulb glowing and her gears cranking. This magnificent sweetheart has many more dreams to pursue and wishes to fulfill in her years to come. And this incredibly prideful momma can’t wait to watch it all unfold!

 “There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgment; for loving unconditionally.” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


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