Hello, sweet friends! Thank you soooo much for continuing to check in, to make sure all is well with my family. I hope everyone had an absolutely beautiful Christmas celebration. Ours was perfectly imperfect. I want to thank each and every one of you so much for sticking with me over the past few weeks. My priorities definitely had to be shifted and so happy to have everyone in a better place at the moment, but continuing to write and blog is still a goal of mine each day. I have a new website design in the works, so please check back soon. I am super excited to share!
Today marks week number six of giving my sweet readers a glimpse into my personal life, away from writing, through my “Currently” post, as well as sharing my absolutely favorite blogging sites from this past year. So, here we go!

So excited to have been able to donate for a second time in two years. It’s always scary, and the thought of “backing out” always crosses my mind. But the thought of completely losing an entire head of hair and knowing others who have, overrides any of those fears. If you e.v.e.r. have the chance to do this in your lifetime, it is such an incredible experience, on both ends. Miss O has donated once in the past and should be ready again this spring! Feels sooo much better!
Loving//: My time at home. The past few weeks have been bumpy ones. Having this time with my husband and girls is so totally refreshing and beyond needed.
Reading//: Nothing. Ahhh! Thank you, sweet friends for the recommendations. I am not sure much reading will take place this Christmas break, but I have a great list from my December Goals post from which to choose.
Learning//: Flexibility is a part of life. Life doesn’t always roll out on a smooth-sailing, “bumpless” golden carpet. Gray days, weeks and months exist. And it is up to a power and drive deep within ourselves to push through those heart-wrenching experiences, pick ourselves up and continue to walk our path, with our hearts once again ready to share with the world.
Planning//: A slight blog design makeover!! Should be ready by the New Year. Very excited!
Encouraged by//: The outpouring of support from family, friends and this amazing blog community with everything that has recently occurred with my husband’s parents and my own mom. You can’t even imagine how much that meant to me. Truly.
Wishing//: That I can uphold some serious personal goals for the upcoming New Year. Post to come very soon!
Praying//: For continued guidance in some serious upcoming decision-making for our family, including the opportunity for a move. I am putting it all into God’s hands, and have for some time. I know He will continue to place us exactly where we need to be, and hold our hands each-and-every step of the walk, along the way.
Favorite Blogs to Follow!
I wanted to take a minute to share a list of my favorite blogging friends and their sites. These women are amazing and so much fun! They have become part of my community, and have been such a huge support at all times. I absolutely treasure the words they write each week. Maybe you will find just as much value in what they have to say, as I have. This list is definitely a great start for anyone looking for some amazing blogs to follow!
Melissa from the Rambling Llama
Anne from Love the Here and Now
Sarita from it’s my girls’ world
Rebecca from The Adventures of Bug and Boo
Emily from ember grey
Erica from Why Let Lead
Martha from Leaving Perfection, Learning Grace
Chelsea from The Contented Wife Blog
Madison from Wetherills Say I Do