This week of writing has once again warmed my heart in so many ways. I have continued to experience the “embrace” of other bloggers by having several recent posts featured once again. Which is one of my favorite things about blogging!
Today marks “week number two” of giving my sweet readers a glimpse into my personal life, away from writing, through my “Currently” post, as well as sharing my favorite pieces from other writers during the week.
Loving//: Little girl giggles…oh the stories behind these giggles!!
Reading//: The Best Yes (Just beginning…can’t wait to finish)
Learning//: To keep following my passion, no matter what roadblocks may arise
Planning//: Christmas lists, attached to a budget, and sticking to it (wishful thinking…)
Encouraged by//: Little “wins” of keeping my anxiety in “check” each day
Wishing//: To take stress away from some of those I love and hold most dear
Favorite Blog Posts from the Week:
Anne from Love the Here and Now, posting about the importance of creating and keeping the bond between a daughter and her father. I am one of three sisters, and we have three daughters as well. I feel that bond is incredibly important, especially in today’s world.

Rachel Ann from It’s a Good Life, posting about how much greater God’s plans are than ours. I am a hUgE planner, and I think something that has really helped me with my anxiety is trying to let go of the need for control. Rachel’s post was just the reminder I needed this week!

Erica from Why, Let, Lead, posting about having “lost her light” as a mother. I can so totally relate. The post was beautifully written and a blessed reminder that no matter how often our “light” flickers or extinguishes, it always returns.

Sarita from it’s my girls’ world, posting about dealing with loss of family during the holiday season. This can be one of the hardest battles to “fight” throughout the holidays…trying to remain upbeat, happy and spirited when you are experiencing a missing presence in your own life. Great read!

Melissa from the Rambling Llama, posting about updates on her life through a “coffee” conversation with her readers. I love this idea! I could find myself sitting and listening to her thoughts as if I was right there with her. Such a fun post.

Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless you with abundance and warm hearts this Thursday. Blessings for a fulfilled week ahead!