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Currently/Weekend Wrap-Up

Writer's picture: easpennereaspenner

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Good morning, sweet friends! I realize that I am a day late in posting this, but yesterday I re.a.l.l.y. needed to step away for the day and just be present with my sweet family. We started off with our annual tradition of “Cookie Day” at my parents’ house, followed by an afternoon of pretend sleepovers, in-the-dark dancing to our favorite Christmas songs (and light-up princesses), a few intense and giggle-filled rounds of a Sofia memory game, wrapped up with our daily Advent story. I needed that. Oh, how I needed that. Especially after that last weeks of little babes still not quite feeling the best. Our days are flying by. Christmas will be here soon, and the to-do list continues to grow. So, I am very thankful for the chance to just “be”.

Today marks week number five of giving my sweet readers  a glimpse into my personal life, away from writing, through my “Currently” post, as well as sharing my favorite pieces from other writers during the week. So, here we go!



Loving//: The girls’ excitement over Christmas lights! Seriously. It is so. much. fun. We usually drive home on the verge of nightfall, so it is the perfect time for them to “take in” all the light displays along the way. They have each-and-every glowing house memorized on our ride home. Even little Baby Nugget is taking note with her “wowwwww”! 🙂

Reading//: Nothing. Ahhh! Thank you, sweet friends for the recommendations. I am not sure much reading will take place until Christmas break, but I have a great list from my December Goals post from which to choose.

Learning//: The excitement and anticipation of the Christmas season from the “other side”. When you are little, the magic is unquestionable and fills your every moment. As you grow older, the spirit of the season takes on a different meaning. But now, with three little ones, whose eyes are twinkling with eagerness for each new day, it brings on an entirely new perspective. I l.o.v.e. it.

Planning//: Christmas card distribution. Not sure exactly when. They have arrived, and I love them. But, this upcoming week is unfolding to be one jam-packed seven days to come!

Encouraged by//: A two-week vacation right around the corner. I am c.r.a.v.i.n.g. this time with my family more than ever.

Wishing//: To come to peace with some serious decision-making in our lives. This is a hard one, sweet friends. We have some super-sized decisions to make over the next few weeks, including a possible move for our family. I am praying daily, and I know, as always, He will open the path. It’s just hard trying to determine the best “route”.

Praying//: For guidance with a personal relationship. It has hit some bumps, and I really am not sure why. I am praying for smooth, joyous pavement ahead.

Favorite Blog Posts from the Week:

Martha from Leaving Perfection Learning Grace, posting “Why I won’t call you skinny.” This was absolutely beautiful. Such an important read for any woman. Of any size. A great reminder of the importance never to comment on someone’s size. This was by. far. my favorite read of the week!


Chelsea from The Contented Wife Blog, posting about the importance of farming and agriculture in our country. I adored this post. I live in an area s.u.r.r.o.u.n.d.e.d. by farm land. And sadly, they are preparing to utilize acres-upon-acres of farmland around our home for residential purposes. Which leaves my heart breaking and is the drive behind our family’s possible move. This is just a really fun one to read!

Contented Wife - 250 X 250

Rachel Ann from It’s a Good Life, posting about Joseph. And how he stepped in to be the father of Jesus.  This was such a great read. Reminding us about the importance of listening to our calling. He could have stepped away. He could have ignored the angel’s message, shunned Mary and continued on creating a different life for himself. But he didn’t. He was a good man. Great read!

Nativity scene

Natalie Jean from A Tiny Travelersharing some beautiful scripture and encouragement when for others who are trying hard to succeed at something. Her post is written in regards to taking college finals, but honestly, these verses are perfect for anyone with ambition and needing a little pick-me-up!


Rebecca from The Adventures of Bug and Boo, posting about her favorite family Christmas cookie recipe. These look amazing! I am hoping and wishing that I can pull together some time over my break to really and truly make some homemade treats with my sweeties!


Favorite Blogs to Follow!

I wanted to take a minute to share a list of my favorite blogging friends. They have been such a huge support at all times, and I adore the words they write each week. Maybe you will find just as much value in what they have to say, as I have. This list does not include all of my most-adored, but definitely a great start!

Melissa from the Rambling Llama

Emily from ember grey

Erica from Why Let Lead

Madison from Wetherills Say I Do



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