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Currently/Weekend Wrap-Up

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Good morning, beautiful friends! I hope this day finds you wrapping up a warm and wonderful holiday season with your family, ready to embrace a new year. I have adored reading “A Year in Review” posts from my favorite blogging friends, as well as seeing end-of-the-year pictures from family and close friends through other social media outlets! It’s so much fun to see how much everyone has changed and grown over the past twelve months.

Today marks week number seven of giving my sweet readers  a glimpse into my personal life, away from writing, through my “Currently” post, as well as sharing my favorite blog posts from this week. So, here we go!

New Year 3

New Year 2
New Years 1


Loving//: My new blog design! A huge “thank-you” to Grace + Vine Studios. This has been in the works with Madison for almost two months, and so happy to see it pulled together last night. (Can I give a shout-out to peppermint ice cream, also?! Just went to the store last weekend and grabbed some…went again this morning…gone! Seasonal love.)

Reading//: With so many great recommendations lately, especially with my recent post, Entrapped, I went with one of my best friend’s recommendations for Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, as well as one of my blogging friend’s recommendations for Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth. Both should arrive on my doorstep today!

Learning//: Decisions have to be made. Putting them off only delays the actual process, no matter how hard it may be.

Planning//: A move! Yes, we decided to go ahead and move. It wasn’t something we were actively seeking out, but an opportunity arose, and we have decided to take a hold of it.

Encouraged by//: Prayer. I have to be honest, sweet friends. New Year’s Day was hard for me. Here I was, writing about being “fearless” (LESS fearful), and I was full of it. About decisions. About heading back to work after a lengthy break. About juggling it all once again. So, I found myself praying…with all my might, that evening. And wow, how God has once again proven that He’s got it all under control.

Wishing//: That I can uphold some serious personal goals for the upcoming New Year. Post to come very soon!

Praying//: For continued guidance following some serious upcoming decision-making for our family, including the opportunity for a move. I am putting it all into God’s hands, and have for some time. I know He will continue to place us exactly where we need to be, and hold our hands each-and-every step of the walk, along the way.

Favorite Blog Posts from the Week:

Martha from Leaving Perfection Learning Grace, posting Why I Am Throwing Out New Year’s Resolutions. This was such a great read. For myself personally, I have found it much easier to break my goals into small chunks, such as by month. I totally agree with Martha that setting yourself up for a “perfect” year will ultimately bring a broken heart. Instead, she is focusing on making daily choices and living them out through grace. Beautiful!!


Erica from Coming Up Roses, sharing with me a post that she actually wrote almost a year ago about her own anxiety, in response to sharing my post, Entrapped. Erica couldn’t have left her comment at a more perfect time. Her blog is aMaZiNg! I would highly recommend that you check it out soon!


Anne from Love the Here and Now, posting about her New Year’s Eve wishes. This is a great read for anyone, but bloggers most especially. Anne gives great advice. And she presents it nobly. I adore her blog and am very happy to have found her this year!


Melissa from the Rambling Llama, sharing a post about reuniting with her running shoes, as well as her adventures with the newest big guy in her life, Gambit, the dog. Such a cute post and a great reminder of the importance of trying to take care of ourselves as the new year arrives! Melissa is SUCH a fun blogger to follow! Moms will get a kick out of her amusing stories and bubbly personality!


Rachel Ann from It’s a Good Life, posting about judging and being judged. This is a great reminder, sweet friends. About the most basic rule that ever existed…The Golden Rule. She reminds us all not to judge others, unless we would want the same treatment in return. Such a wonderful message for the New Year.


I wanted to take a minute to share a list of my favorite blogging friends. They have been such a huge support at all times, and I adore the words they write each week. Maybe you will find just as much value in what they have to say, as I have. Check back often, as I plan to add new and wonderful bloggers weekly!

Melissa from the Rambling Llama

Emily from ember grey

Erica from Why Let Lead

Amanda from Knock on Wood

Madison from Wetherills Say I Do

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