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Currently/Weekend Wrap-Up

Writer's picture: easpennereaspenner

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Good morning, sweet friends! I hope this post finds you comfortable and cozy in the midst of this cRaZy winter weather. We have been below zero at least four of the past seven days. Brrrrr!! This weekend could not have made it here fast enough. There is a lot to juggle right now, but once again, we have been surrounded by only amazing people in our lives, and somehow, we managed to get through this first week back, with just a few hiccups (eh-hem…heat pump on the fritz in twenty-five-degrees-below-zero wind chills…and one teething/sick Baby Nugget…).


(Our first real peak at snow this year!)

Today marks week number eight (two months, beautiful ones!!!) of giving my sweet readers  a glimpse into my personal life, away from writing, through my “Currently” post, as well as sharing my favorite blog posts from this week. So, here we go!


Loving//: Reading with Miss Observant. She’s gettttttting it!!! And this is one proud mama/teacher!! Conversations with Monkey…oh this child and her attitude! Sassy, but sweet. <3 And coloring with Baby Nugget. She is finally aiming at the “safe” spots, instead of walls, chair and tables. 😉

Reading//: Waiting for my copy of Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, and  Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth to arrive on my doorstep! Hope to be reading by next week!

Learning//: That sometimes fresh perspective is what I need. Change is hard for me. S.u.p.e.r. uncomfortable. But, change is inevitable. It happens, constantly. Most of the time, it’s just presented in smaller doses. I feel very lucky to have friends and family who are willing to ask about life and talk me through things when I am feeling out-of-sorts.  

Planning//: A massive purge! Whewwwwwy! My husband and I have moved twice since we built our first house nine years ago. In three-four months, we will be moving again. After this past move, we came to the realization of just h.o.w. many things we owned. (And never used. And held onto for sentimental purposes. And could be so much more valuable to someone else.) So, my goal (starting next weekend), is to take one small section at a time, and organize/donate. We will have plenty of storage in the next home, but we just don’t need to keep it all.

Encouraged by//: A new writing experience and role. Very excited for the possible paths it may open in the future.

Wishing//: That I can continue to leave my anxieties and worries (daily) at His feet. Knowing in my heart that He is there to take those on for me, as His burden; not mine. It’s so much easier to have someone else helping with the load.

Praying//: Can I be honest? To make it through the next few weeks. Plain and simply. To know that He will continue to provide the help we need with our girls. The energy to make it through each work day. And the warmth to just keep going.

Favorite Blog Posts from the Week:

Emily from ember grey, sharing her post, “The Long Way” about the beautiful way in which God “welcomed” her to Tennessee from Chicago (huge change)! Emily is one of my absolute favorite bloggers; so totally honest, hilarious and just simply a joy to follow. I would highly recommend following her adventures!

TN first AM drive EG2

Sarah from 12 twenty-seven, sharing her post, “Live, Live Fearless” about her 2015 banner word, which is also “fearless”! So happy to have a fellow blogger there to encourage, support and work toward a similar goal. Sarah shared a beautiful song from Kat Perkins that goes hand-in-hand with our word. The words are insatiable (limitless) for my heart, my spirit and my soul. Take a minute to read these, sweet friends; if you have ever struggled with a hurdle, obstacle or any type of situation that filled your being with fear, and robbed you of your faith. Simply encouraging.


Helen from I Will Bloom, sharing her post “Slow is my new busy”. A perfect piece about realizing the benefits of taking the time to slow down in life. Seriously, friends; read this. I have come to a point in my own life where I feel like I am losing my mind at times. Spinning. Racing. Coming. Going. I can’t keep up. Just this morning alone, I started out worrying about getting lessons, laundry and cleaning done for the day. But you know, instead, I chose to sit on the couch with Miss O and have her read through a book with me. It was perfect. Helen has been an incredible encourager of mine and has an amazing story to tell. Check her out!!


Marisa from The Hoosier Peach, sharing her post, “Rest Easy”. Marisa is a real-life friend, a beautiful soul and an incredible writer. This piece is a reflection of her experiences with prayer, and the revelations she has experienced as a result of her time with God. This is an incredible piece. Marisa “gets real” in this post. Sharing her highs-and-lows of her time praying and spent with Jesus. The moments she pulled away. The times she felt closest in His arms. Remarkable read, sweet friends!!


I wanted to take a minute to share a list of my favorite blogging friends. They have been such a huge support at all times, and I adore the words they write each week. Maybe you will find just as much value in what they have to say, as I have. Check back often, as I plan to add new and wonderful bloggers weekly!

Melissa from the Rambling Llama

Emily from ember grey

Erica from Why Let Lead

Amanda from Knock on Wood

Madison from Wetherills Say I Do



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