We can end this tireless tirade the enemy has sweeping the world right now, you know? We have this incredible ability to stop it directly in its tracks. And to shutdown the world as we know it in this moment: the devil's playground.
Did you know there is an anecdote for the hatred overpowering our world right now?
There is.
So simple.
So overlooked.
So seemingly forgotten.
It started in a manger.
With two new parents.
Completely enveloped in uncertainty and fear.
Of the journey they were just beginning.
With a new life sent to save the world.
A Savior Who would live up to His name for eternity. Saving the world for a lifetime to come. And beyond.
And the cure for the dismay? It doesn’t come from behind our computer screens. It doesn’t come through violent riots or hurting and killing. It doesn’t come from allowing our pride to dominate our words. It doesn’t come from foul language, spitting, robbing and vandalizing. It doesn’t come from having the fanciest house. Or from filling our television screens with mindless reality shows. It doesn’t come from idolizing a singer or athlete. It doesn’t come from one-upping our neighbor. It doesn’t come from gossip and bad-mouthing. And it doesn’t come from us alone.
It comes from the lessons learned from a tiny baby. A newborn, Who grew into a man; Who gave up His life, to save mankind.
It comes from generation after generation passing along those inherent character traits and life lessons. Treating one another the way you would like to be treated. Treating one another the way Jesus Himself would want you to treat His other children. Treating one another with pure human kindness, love and consideration.
It comes from a simple "thank you". A smile, with our eyes. It comes from holding the door at the gas station. It comes from letting a weary mother step in front of you amidst the grocery line. It comes from paying it forward at the coffee drive-thru. It comes from a handwritten card left for a favorite medical professional. It comes from donating to food pantries and homeless shelters. It comes from watching our children interact with the world. It comes from taking a deep breath, closing our mouths and listening. To one another. With empathy. It comes from walking off the streets and into support groups, churches, volunteer opportunities. And more than anything else, into one another's shoes and arms.
It comes from integrity.
It comes from respect.
It comes from kindness.
It comes from caring.
It comes from compassion.
It comes from responsibility.
It comes from every lesson learned in kindergarten. That we so quickly forget through each new phase of growing older. It comes from the pure innocence of newborn life. It comes from a miracle laying in the straw of a tiny manger. From the North Star, still leading the way back to His forever-waiting arms above.
And it's not going to be easy.
Battling an enemy consistently fueling the fire he has started on God's beautiful green-earth below will never be easy.
But, there is still hope.
There is always hope.
So much hope.
There is healing.
There can still be healing.
So much healing.
And there is love.
So much hidden love.
Always love.
Behind the masks.
Behind the violence.
Behind the cowardly banter from computer to phone screen.
Still embedded deep within each of our hearts.
Masked by a year unexpected by any of us on Earth.
But fully anticipated by our Creator Above.
Did you know there is an anecdote to this hatred?
There is.
And it comes from the same Father Who takes the time each evening to hand-paint us an undeserving sunset; an undeserving hug "good night", as He tucks us in underneath His sheltering wings. The same Father Who allows new life to join His world, every second of the day. The same Father, Who throws mountains into the sea; Who turns water into wine; Who miraculously heals; Who prays over His children ceaselessly.
The same Father Who created this very same earth from mere dust. The same Father Who can bring beauty from any pile of ashes imaginable.
The beauty is still there.
Together, we simply have to blow away the dust. Coming together in a way that the world has never done before.
But that our Father Above most certainly knows we still can.
