What a whirlwind the month of December has turned out to be, sweet friends. Preparations for the upcoming holidays are well underway. Right in the midst of balancing life in the real-world. Between work, little babe doctor visits, extra projects, shopping, baking, family gatherings, Christmas card addressing, last-minute store runs, and just following day-to-day schedules, I have been working overtime to try to open my arms, mind and heart to this special season with a ready heart.

Life doesn’t always unfold just perfectly. A lesson I have learned over and over again. We may expect a morning of catching-up-on-what’s-been-left-behind, only to wake up to a little one not feeling well and needing our full attention. Or, maybe we have planned out our Christmas shopping list j.u.s.t. p.e.r.f.ec.t.l.y., only to realize it is not being crossed off as expected. Maybe our excitement had been building for weeks upon weeks in anticipation of an upcoming holiday party, only to find that it wasn’t quite as we hoped it would be. The holiday blues can become a real experience for many. It is indigestible to most that we can actually feel so sad and lonely, disappointed and disheartened during the most wonderful time of the year.
If you’ve been following along for a while, you know it is a personal, daily goal of mine to find joy in the “small” moments, things and experiences in life. I am hoping to continue to encourage others to do the same thing. And, oh how I have learned, the more we make it a purposeful habit, the more these tiny treasures inundate our lives, filling our existence with more happiness than we could ever imagine. So, today, half-way through the busiest month of the year, I couldn’t think of a more perfect time to share some of my most current “grateful heart” experiences…

~Coworkers ready to step in and help, or leave an encouraging word or note, when it’s least expected. My school staff is completely amazing.
~Leaving the grocery store with e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. on my list…hardly ever do I remember everything
~The best parents I could ever ask for in my life, still working to make the holidays special for my sisters and I, even as grown adults!
~Not getting a second speeding ticket in four months. W.h.e.w. I am on “probation”, since I hadn’t had a ticket in 12 years, and this will be wiped clean come March, if I can avoid another speeding situation. I was just cruising along the. very. same. wide. open. road. where I earned my first beauty. Thankfully, not as quickly, but still worrisome upon pulling near our friend in hiding. Beyond grateful.
~A two-week upcoming Christmas break. I have said it before, but I am totally and completely c.r.a.v.i.n.g. this time with my family. I cannot wait!
~Baby Nugget’s just plain silly, carefree personality. Seriously. She brings the party wherever she goes. Any time, day or not. L.o.v.e. her.
~Prayer. The ability to speak to the most magnificent Counselor of all. At any given moment. It is such an incredible blessing to know that He is a.l.w.a.y.s. there.

So, sweet and beautiful friends, what “small moments” are you most grateful for amidst the chaos of preparing for the holidays? Does your heart feel ready for Christmas Day? Believe me, I know it can be incredibly hard to slow down to appreciate the tiny “wins” when there is so much to be done, but as you practice hunting for these precious feats, they can truly add up to form mountains of joy…<3
