If I were to list all of those things for which I am thankful, I would never leave this chair. So today, surrounded by a full heart and the warmth and comfort of family and friends, here are the things, with a deeply grateful heart, for which I am most thankful….
This. The beautiful, messy, heart-breaking, crazy thing they call motherhood. Because for every trial and obstacle, God only intensifies the splendor, grace and memories never to be forgotten. This is my dream come true.

The blessing of marriage. To have someone standing by my side each-and-every day. Who is not only an amazing husband, but also the best “Daddy” in the world to our three girls. A ceaseless provider. A boundless support. To be able to raise our three girls as best friends, together. Through all the highs and lows, laughter and tears. Extremely blessed.

My mother’s hands. Yes, sweet friends, her hands. They are remarkable, beautiful. They are hands that give. Endlessly. Hands that guide. Unconditionally. Hands that hold tightly. At a moment’s notice. Hands that changed my diapers, made my meals, rocked me to sleep…and now do the e.x.a.c.t. same things for my own daughters. Blessed does not even begin to cover it.

My father’s guidance. My dad is such an incredible person. He and my mom raised three girls. For some fathers, this might present an extensive challenge. But not for my dad. He was beyond hands-on. Not only allowing his house to become inundated with a world of Barbie dolls, but also introducing us to sports and other outdoor activities. Bundling us up in the frigid-cold winter-evenings to drive us each to our volleyball practices (at different times), and never complaining one bit. We are the luckiest girls in the world to call him our father.
Growing up with two sisters. To me, there was no better way of growing up. It was a backyard-pioneering, star-machine-sleepover-watching, Christmas-cookie-mania-making, “project puppy” planning, up at 3:00-A.M.-on-Christmas-morning, oh-no-something-else-we-were-caught-breaking sisterhood. Love.

( My apologies for the blurriness…we were in fact 80s babies…and yes, I am rocking the knee-highs and Smurf shirt…proudly;) )
Friendships. Friendship that dates back to first grade, filled with Chicago’s Pizza bike-rides, turning-13-sleepovers in the garage, sorority-sisterhood craaaziness and remains strong through today. College friendships. Stay-up-all-night-to-quiz-each-other-over-rocks, “Pour-Some-Sugar-On-Me”, bachelorette-bride-babies kind of friends. The best ones. For friendships that have pushed me out into the world. Who were one-hundred-percent behind me. When I was not 100% certain of myself. And for growing friendships. Just taking off. To amazing places.

Unconditional puppy love. This guy’s been around for nine-and-a-half years. There is nothing in the world like the comfort and protection of a loyal pet, who becomes a member of your family. This big guy holds an incredibly special place in my heart. And always will.

For all of these…these are the things and people for which I hold the greatest “thanks” in my life right now, with a heart, full-to-the-brim.