Proud, Bold FaithHave you ever thought about just how fleeting life really is? I mean, truly thought about it? How much time we waste, trying to "please"...
Seasons of JobWe all go through seasons of Job. Seasons of intense suffering. Seasons of wondering where our Healer is. Seasons of feeling angry at the...
"Unanswered" PrayersWho would thank God for unanswered prayers? That line always got me. Why would you do that? "… Sometimes I thank God for unanswered...
To My Darling Daughter, You are God's MasterpieceMy Dearest Daughter, What a magnificent work of art you are-- nothing short of one of God's greatest masterpieces of all. With a mighty...
Faithful EnduranceThere are so many ways this year that the enemy has threatened to break us. Absolutely shatter us. Into an infinite amount of pieces....
This year, I vow to lose all the weight...I have never been one for resolutions. To be completely honest, I rarely keep up with them. And truthfully, most of the time, I am just...